Weekly Reading | February 14, 2019

Let's get something out of the way first. Yes, it's Valentine's Day. No, I don't celebrate, but I know some of you love celebrating love, so I don't scoff at the day; it's just not for me. I did, however, include a Valentine's Day post in this week's Weekly Reading for those of you who love Love Day but want to explore less cliché ways to celebrate.

Moving on, it's already mid-February (crazy!), which is usually the time we start falling out of love (😏) with our New Year's resolutions, so here are some pretty helpful tips from the team over at Inspirations & Celebrations, tips that I'm using myself because I'm starting to feel myself slacking. I also found a beginner's guide to investing because that's something I'm looking to start doing now that I'm more late-20s than mid-20s. 😂

"10 Ways to Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick" via Inspirations & Celebrations

Another aspect of your life to take a look at is your career because that can be the greatest source of negativity, something you really don't want to start the year off with so much of. Take a look at this post from The Motivated Millennial's Hannah about identifying and coping with a toxic workplace. The start of the year can also be a time when layoffs happen. The Champagne Edit's Dana shares ways to handle getting laid off. Finally, to end this section off on a (slightly) happier note, I found a post about writing the perfect email.

"4 Tips for Toxic Workplace Survival" via The Motivated Millennial
"How to Handle Getting Laid Off" via The Champagne Edit
"How to Write the Perfect Email" by Devon Delfino

If your New Year's resolutions include starting a blog but you're in college full-time and finding that there's too much going on and shit's hitting the fan, fret no more because here's a post by Kristen about how she manages her blog while in college without losing her mind. I also found some posts about photos for your blog and corresponding social media: one has tips for mobile photography (which is great for bloggers who are just starting out or for bloggers who prefer taking photos on their phones) and one has tips for editing those photos before exporting them to social media, specifically Instagram.

For more blogging posts as well as fashion and food posts, check out the previous Weekly Reading!
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