The Her Campus National Intercollegiette Conference 2013 is Less Than Two Weeks Away!

Hello, world.

You probably know by now that I belong to the Her Campus Blogger Network. This position comes with many a perk, one of them being that we have access to cool events nationwide. There is one such event coming up: the Her Campus National Intercollegiette Conference 2013.

The Her Campus National Intercollegiette Conference will be held on the 28th in the concrete jungle where dreams are made of. Yes, ladies and gentleman, yours truly will finally be going to New York City! The conference will be filled with panels and workshops featuring keynotes from leaders in the media industry. There will be speakers from Glamour, SELF, Lucky, and more! Im hyperventilating just thinking about that because these are all magazines that I want to work for!

Basically, there will be presentations on things like what life is like as an entry level magazine editor (I didnt even know they accepted entry level editors!), opportunities in the book publishing world, freelancing guides, and loads more!

If publishing, PR, marketing, and the like arent your cup of tea, there will be blogging workshops as well for those of you looking to work on that.

If that still doesnt float your boat, there are freebies! Everyone loves freebies, amirite? (;

All attendees will receive a goodie bag (probably filled to the brim with awesome shiz)! There will also be activation stations like a braid bar, MANICURES (!!!), a BCBGeneration sample sale + more more more! AAAND Chipotle will be sponsoring lunch. Im sold!

So, yes, not only will I be attending my first ever blogger event, it will be one where I get to network with big names in the industries that I want to break into when I graduate in the next year as well as my fellow Her Campus bloggers, ambassadors, readers, executives. . . Oh and who can forget NEW YORK CITY!

Ok, I need to tone it down a little.

If youre as pumped about it as I am, you can register here.

Please, please, PLEASE register and go if you can. I'll be flying from Iowa, some girls will be flying from California so no excuses in that department! You can share hotel rooms to cut the cost.

I want to meet all of you lovely readers! Come say hello if you go! Also come say hello to these girls who I'll be rooming with/sharing a hotel with/heading to the conference with:
Alicia @
Emma @ (Yes, the Emma who did the guest post for me.)
Melanie @
Olivia K.
Sarah @
Semirah @
Tricia @

If youre a Her Campus blogger but havent registered (WHY NOT?!), you can register here.
*Note that it would then be on the 27th.


  1. Hey Sockwun, I'm a new follower on GFC from the GFC linky. This sounds like a lot of fun, unfortunately, I'm from a very far tropical country. :( You girls have fun!

    I'd love it if you can follow me back :)


  2. wooo i cannot wait! this is going to be so much fun.

    xx, alicia
    river city chic

    1. I freak out every time I think about it, lol.

  3. I had so much fun! I loved meeting you! #HCXO


    1. I loved meeting you too! Hopefully, we'll get to hang out again one day.

  4. Looks like so much fun! Hope you had a great time (:

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